Traffic Safety Equipment That Can Lower Worker-Related Risks

Anyone who works in traffic knows the risks associated with the job. From construction workers helping divert traffic to police officers directing traffic at an accident scene and many others, these workers know how important visibility is, especially at night. Nite Beams™ has a number of effective solutions for improved visibility and safety for people who have to work with traffic. We have a selection that includes lighted vests and helmets for construction, Road Commander lighted signs, and much more for high visibility that motorists will notice, even during adverse weather conditions. In today’s post, we will discuss some of the safety products available from Nite Beams™ to keep all manner of road workers safe on the job.
Direct Traffic Safely
Directing traffic is a dangerous undertaking, whether it’s security directing the flow of cars leaving a concert or sporting event, or police officers directing traffic around a faulty traffic signal or highway collision. This is especially true at night or when weather conditions hinder visibility for the drivers. Nite Beams™ contain bright LED lights in various colors, making them valuable tools to protect workers as they direct traffic. We have Traffic Batons, Cone Commanders, and Road Commanders designed for high visibility while securing a traffic accident, directing traffic away from a dangerous scene, or just marking a route of exit or entry. These lights are rechargeable, making them a much better long-term investment than single-use road flares.
Warn Motorists of Danger
Dealing with automobile accidents is extremely dangerous on a busy highway. Motorists traveling too fast need to be warned of the risky situation they are driving in, just as the police and first responders on the scene need motorists to slow down and make the scene safer. Nite Beams™ are visible for up to a mile away, giving motorists plenty of advanced notice that they need to slow down due to potential risks ahead. Featuring powerful LED lights in various colors, you can use Nite Beams™ products to increase visibility without the waste associated with single-use road flares.
Protect Construction Workers with High Visibility Safety Apparel
Construction workers have a tough job to do, and they deserve to work in a safe environment, especially at nighttime. Nite Beams™ has a selection of lighted vests and safety helmets equipped with LED lighting to make workers highly visible to passing motorists. For more information about the many products available from Nite Beams™, feel free to contact us.